About Us
Parish History
The Parish of St Jerome situated at Nostrand and NewKirk Avenues, Kings County, Brooklyn, New York was established May 1st 1901. The first mass was celebrated, following the appointment of a young priest Reverend Thomas F. Lynch by Bishop Charles Edward McDonnel. The first building used for divine services was the parlor of the clubhouse of the Cortelyou club located at Bedford Avenue and Avenue D. This building has since been demolished. Presently, the congregation continues to grow rapidly due to heavy migration from all Caribbean countries, Central and South America, and Africa.
Our Mission
We, the members and the Pastor of St. Jerome Parish, affirming our incorporation in the Body of Christ through the grace of the Holy Spirit, do join together to form the Parish Pastoral Council for the purpose of assisting and applying the work of the Catholic Church in our community.
Parish Staff
Fr. Hilarie Belizaire, Pastor
Fr. Jean-Augustin Francois, Parochial Vicar
Fabiola Edmond Parish, Secretary
Mrs. Rosey Gilbert, Director of Faith Formation
Cindy Bellaram, Office Manager
Parish Groups
English: Wednesday at 7:30 PM in the Rectory
Spanish: Charismatic Group Monday at 7:30PM in the Rectory
English: Legion of Mary Tuesday at 7:30PM in the Rectory
Haitian: Charismatique Pour Les Haitians Chaque Mercredi a 7:00PM du sou au sous sol de l’Eglise
Haitian: Legion de Marie pour les Haitians a 8:30 AM et
4:30PM Chaque Samedi au couvent.
Active Groups
Troupe Éclat meets on Saturday at 6:00PM in the Rectory
Témoins du Christ meets on Sunday after the 1:00PM Mass in the Rectory
Les Jeunes Disciples De Jesus meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month in the convent after the 1:00PM Mass
Feu D’ amour meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month after the 1:00PM Mass in the cafeteria.
Coeur D’ Hommes meets on Wednesdays from 7:00PM to 9:00PM in the Convent
Cursillo de Cristiandad ultreya todos los Miercoles a las 8:00 PM en la rectoria.
English Youth Choir meets on Sunday after the 11:00AM Mass in the Lower Church
Haitian Choir meets on Saturday at 7:00PM in the Lower Church
Other Ministries
RCIA English meets every Tuesday at 7:00PM in the Rectory
RCIA Spanish meets on Thursday from Sept. to May in the Rectory
RCIA pour les Haitiens vous pouvez contacter le Rectory – 718-462-0223
Altar Servers meet on Saturday at 11:00AM in the Upper Church
Rectory Office Hours
Monday –
9:00AM – 12:00PM, 2:00PM – 4:30PM
Tuesday through Friday –
9:00 AM – 12:00PM, 2:00PM – 4:30PM
Saturday – Closed
Sunday – Closed