St Jerome RC Church Affirming our incorporation in the Body of Christ Sat, 01 Mar 2025 04:43:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Know Your Rights – Catholic Migration Services Sat, 01 Mar 2025 04:43:00 +0000

EVERYONE in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, have certain basic rights under the U.S. Constitution.

Here are trustworthy resources, including videos and printable flyers and cards – in multiple languages – on how we can safely defend our immigration, housing and employment rights, especially during encounters with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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Annual Catholic Appeal Mon, 03 Feb 2025 06:05:22 +0000

January 14, 2025



In 2024

You Responded to Our Call

to Communion, Participation & Mission

ACA Social Media Post

We invite parishes across the diocese to share Bishop

Brennan’s ACA message of gratitude with their parishioners

via email and social media.

We encourage Pastors, Administrators, Deacons and Parish Managers to Copy and Paste to your social media platforms

the following:

Every year the people of the Diocese of Brooklyn &

Queens come together to support the essential needs of our

local church through the Annual Catholic Appeal. Your

support goes a long way and I want you to know just how

grateful I am for your kindness. Thank you!

Please view and share the below

ACA 2024 Bishop’s Thank You Video (English and Spanish)

Click here to view ENGLISH ACA 2024 Thank You Video>>

Click here to view SPANISH ACA 2024 Thank You Video>>


Pastor and Administrators!

Bishop’s Court of Honor Reception

Click Here to Register>>

Advance Stewardship Reflection on the Lectionary Readings

for Bulletins

January 19, 2025 — Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

IS 62:1-5; PS 96: 1-3,7-10; 1 COR 12:4-11; JN 2:1-11

Today’s Gospel reading from John recounts the familiar story of the wedding feast at Cana when Jesus launched His public ministry by performing His first miracle at his mother’s request.

Read more at:

Stewardship Reflection by

Catholic Stewardship


Stewardship Quotes of

the Week

“Stewardship is a decision of the will not a feeling, although good feelings often follow. We can’t wait for our attitudes regarding stewardship to change our behavior. By changing our behavior our attitudes will change to match the Gospel way of life.”

Bishop Emeritus Eugene J. Gerber – Diocese of Wichita, Kansas


As faithful stewards of our time, we must change our ways and immediately follow Christ more intentionally, because Christ is calling us to act now, just like the first disciples did.

Catholic Stewardship Consultants

Dear Pastors, Administrators, and Parish Managers

ACA 2024 Payments Reminder

Thank you for your invaluable support in helping the parish reach its 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) goal. We invite parishes with outstanding pledge payments to submit all payments by January 17, 2025. This will ensure inclusion in the 2024 Annual Report printed in The Tablet and assist donors in preparing their contributions for tax filing purposes.

Letters were sent to those parishes who have not made their goal indicating their balance so that they can pay it by January 31st.

We greatly appreciate the pastors who have already sent their balance payment.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to your Parish Field Representative.

Thank you!

Your engagement is essential for the success of the appeal!

“Jubilee of Hope, Renewal of Faith and Charity”


Pastor, Administrators,

and Parish ACA Teams!


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

6:00 pm

We warmly invite you and encourage your participation, along with at least two members of your parish team, to join us for a special dinner and workshop with Bishop Robert Brennan and the ACA staff as we kick off the 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal.

Place: Our Lady of Angels School Gym

7320 4th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11209

Parking is Available!

Gift and Estate Planning

Planned giving is the best way for your gift to have a longstanding impact. We have created helpful tools for planning a gift to your parish, school, the Annual Catholic Appeal, the Be an Angel to a Student program, Youth Ministry, or any other ministry in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens.


Visit Catholic Foundation website to find valuable information on:


Donor Advised Funds

Charitable Gift Annuity

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Sale and Unitrust

Give It Twice Trust

Gift and Bequest

IRA to Gift Annuity Rollover

IRA Rollover

Beneficiary Designation Gifts

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Charitable Lead Trust

Bargain Sale

Life Estate Reserved

Endowment Gifts

Contact your Parish Field Representative today for additional assistance with outreach or any other questions. You may also contact Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens at

718-965-7375 or email us at

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Paster’s Message (Creole) Sun, 28 Jun 2020 19:01:37 +0000

Soti nan Biwo Kire a

24 jen 2020

Chè pawasyen,

Mwen fè konfyans nòt sa a ap jwenn nou anfòm ak nan bon lespri. Rezon ki fè nòt sa a soti se pou m pataje avèk nou plizyè fason pandemi Covid-19 afekte yon fason negatif, rezo sèvis nou genyen, dyosèz la te konn kapab peye gras a jenerozite repons nou bay dyosèz la nan Kanpapy Apèl Katolik Anyèl, pa lentemyè pawas Sen Jewòm. Mwen trè rekonesan lè m wè jan nou onore angajman nou, poutèt nou toujou kenbe pawòl nou ak sipò nou kontinye bay pawas Sen Jewòm ak Dyosèz Katolik Women nan Brooklyn, espesyalman pandan tan sa a ki san parèy. M ap pwofite okazyon sa a, pou m dekri kèk nan sèvis kle rezo dyosèz la founi. Si tout sa rive fèt, se grasa donasyon dyosèz la resevwa nan men pawasyen bon kè tankou noumenm. Lè nou fin repase lis ki anba a, nou pral wè aklè ki jan lajan yo te aplike. An plis toujou, rezo sèvis Kanpay Apèl Katolik Anyèl la dwe fleksib nan tan sa a ki vrèman san parèy.

1. Koulye a nou bay plis pase 100,000 sèvis manje chak jou nan dyosèz nou an, pou reponn demann la ki ogmante 300%.

2. Plis pase 120 pawas ofri chak jou Lamès andirèk sou sit wèbsayt. Epi plis 144 pawas kominike chak jou avèk pawasyen ki sèvi avèk medya sosyal yo.

3. Edikatè nou yo te oblije aplike rapidman zouti aprantisaj adistans. Yo rete angaje nan fòme kè ak lespri jèn Katolik nou yo.

4. Nou gen 30 omonye ki deplwaye nan lopital nan moman sa a, nan tout minisipalite nou yo, pou konsole malad yo ak moun ki pi frajil yo.

5. Genyen tou klèje nou an, ki konsakre nan sèvis legliz la, moun ki rete nan premye liy batay kont pamdemi kowonaviris la. Yo kontinye anrichi lavi nou espirityèlman e yo te asosye avèk rezo nou an, nan sèvis sipò yo bay pou reponn bezwen lokal yo, nan tout dyosèz nou an.

Kòm nou o konnen, Sant pou Kontwòl ak Prevansyon Maladi (CDC) predi, pandemi sa a pa pral disparèt nenpòt ki lè byento. Poutèt sa, nou gen tan konprann, nou pral bezwen kenbe repons sa a djanm, pou nou satisfè demann pou sipò pou frè ak sè nou yo nan Kris la. Demann sa ap grandi chak jou. Kòm rezilta, sipò nou vin pi enpòtan, nan sitiyasyon kriz n ap pase la a. Misyon nou rete menm jan an.

Pawasyen angaje, zanmi, Katolik, nou bezwen sipò ou, pou kenbe misyon nou an. Mwen rekonesan anvè 98 moun ki te pran yon angajman pou yo kontribiye nan Apèl Katolik Anyèl 2020. Sipò enkondisyonèl sa a pèmèt nou rive jwenn $ 25,593.00 sou $ 44.916.00 ki se objektif 2020 pawas la. Nou rete sèlman $ 19,323.00 pou nou atenn objektif nou yo. Se konsa, jodi a, mwen bese byen ba pou m vin chèche èd ou, pou nou ede pawas la kouvri diferans la, ki se $ 19,323.00. Chay sa a ap vin tonbe sou do Sen Jewòm, kòm reskonsablite finansye si objektif nou yo pa satisfè. Mwen remèsye w alavans pou konpreyansyon ou ak koperasyon rapid ou, nan evite fado finansye an plis sa a tonbe sou do pawas la, etan nou kenbe nan sèvi sè nou yo ak frè yo nan Kris la, avèk lanmou ak diyite nan Apèl Katolik Anyèl la.

Se pou nou kontinye lapriyè Jezikri ak Manman Mari. Pou yo fè nou jwenn yon fen ak pandemi sa a.

Sensèman nan Kris la,


Pè Jean Yvon Pierre


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Paster’s Message (Spanish) Sun, 28 Jun 2020 19:00:57 +0000

Father Jean Yvon Pierre


Desde el escritorio del pastor

24 de junio de 2020

Estimados feligreses,

Confío en que esta nota Le encontrará bien y con buen espíritu. El propósito de esta nota es compartir con ustedes las muchas maneras en que esta pandemia de Covid-19 ha afectado negativamente la red de servicios que la diócesis ha pudo pagar debido a su generosidad a la Campaña Católica Anual de la Diócesis, a través de la Parroquia de San Jerónimo. Estoy muy agradecido por honrar su promesa, por su fidelidad y su continuo apoyo a la parroquia de San Jerónimo y la Diócesis Católica Romana de Brooklyn, especialmente durante este tiempo sin precedentes. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para describir a continuación algunos de los servicios críticos de la red proporcionados por la Diócesis que se financian con donaciones recibidas de feligreses generosos como usted. Al revisar la lista a continuación, verá cómo se aplicaron los fondos, ya que la red de servicios de Nuestra Campaña Católica Anual debe ser flexible en este momento sin precedentes.

1. Ahora servimos más de 100,000 comidas diarias en nuestra Diócesis en respuesta al aumento del 300% en la demanda.

2. Más de 120 parroquias ofrecen cobertura diaria en vivo de Misa y 144 parroquias se comunican diariamente con feligreses que usan las redes sociales.

3. Nuestros educadores debían implementar rápidamente herramientas innovadoras de aprendizaje a distancia. Permanecen comprometidos a formar los corazones y las mentes de nuestra juventud católica.

4. Tenemos 30 capellanes hospitalarios actualmente desplegados en nuestros distritos consolando a los enfermos y más vulnerables.

5. Y, por supuesto, nuestro devoto clero, que permanece en la primera línea de esta pandemia. Continúan enriqueciendo nuestras vidas espiritualmente y se han asociado con nuestra red de servicios de apoyo para abordar las necesidades locales en nuestra Diócesis.

Como sabe, el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) predice que esta pandemia no desaparecerá pronto. En consecuencia, anticipamos que necesitaremos mantener esta respuesta para satisfacer la creciente demanda de apoyo para nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Como resultado, su asociación es crítica mientras navegamos por esta situación. Nuestra misión sigue siendo la misma.

Como feligreses comprometidos, amigos y católicos, necesitamos su apoyo para mantener nuestra misión. Agradezco a las 98 personas que se han comprometido generosamente con la Campaña Católica Anual 2020. Este apoyo inquebrantable nos ha permitido alcanzar $ 25,593.00 de nuestra meta de Parroquia 2020 de $ 44,916.00. Estamos a solo $ 19,323.00 de distancia de nuestra meta. Así que hoy, humildemente busco su ayuda para ayudar a la parroquia a cubrir esta diferencia de $ 19,323.00 que se convertirá en la responsabilidad financiera de la parroquia de San Jerónimo si no se cumple nuestro objetivo. Les agradezco de antemano su comprensión y su pronta cooperación para evitar una carga financiera adicional para la parroquia mientras sirve a nuestras hermanas y hermanos en Cristo con amor y dignidad a través de la Campaña Católica Anual.

Sigamos orando a nuestro Señor Jesucristo y a nuestra Santísima Madre María para que ponga fin a esta pandemia.

Sinceramente en Cristo,


Padre Jean Yvon Pierre


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Pastor’s Message (English) Sat, 27 Jun 2020 06:56:41 +0000

From the Pastor’s Desk


Dear Parishioners,

I trust this note will find you well and in good spirit. The purpose of this note is to share with you the many ways this pandemic of Covid-19 has negatively effected the network of services that the diocese was able to afford due to your generosity to the Diocese Annual Catholic Appeal through the Parish of St. Jerome.   I am very grateful to you for honoring your pledge, for your faithfulness and continued support to the parish of St. Jerome and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn especially during this unprecedented time.   I take this opportunity to outline below some of the critical network services provided by the Diocese which are funded from donations received from generous parishioners like you. Upon reviewing the list below, you will see how the funds were applied since Our Annual Catholic Appeal’s network of services must be flexible in this unprecedented time.

  •      We now serve over 100,000 meals daily across our Diocese in response to the 300% increase in demand.
  •      Over 120 parishes offer daily livestream coverage of Mass and 144 parishes communicate daily with parishioners using social media.
  •      Our educators were required to quickly implement innovative distance learning tools. They remain committed to forming the hearts and minds of our Catholic youth.
  •      We have 30 hospital chaplains currently deployed across our boroughs consoling the sick and most vulnerable.
  •      And of course, our devoted clergy, who remain at the front line of this pandemic. They continue to enrich our lives spiritually and have partnered with our network of support services to address the local needs across our Diocese.


As you are aware, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts that this pandemic will not go away anytime soon.  Consequently, we anticipate we will need to maintain this response to meet the growing demand for support for our brothers and sisters in Christ. As a result, your partnership is critical as we navigate this situation. Our mission remains the same.


As a committed parishioner, friend, and Catholic, we need your support to uphold our mission. I am grateful to the 98 people who have made a generous commitment to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal. This unwavering support has allowed us to reach $25,593.00 of our $44,916.00 Parish 2020 Goal.  We are only $19,323.00 away from our goal.  So today, I humbly seek your help in assisting the parish to cover this difference of  $19,323.00 which will become the parish of St. Jerome financial responsibility if our goal is not met. I thank you in advance for your understanding and prompt cooperation in avoiding additional financial burden to the parish while serving our sisters and brothers in Christ with love and dignity through The Annual Catholic Appeal.


Let us continue to pray to our Lord Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother Mary for an end to this pandemic.


Sincerely yours in Christ,

Father Jean Yvon Pierre


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2020 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL – VIRTUAL COMMITMENT DRIVE June 24 – June 29 Sun, 21 Jun 2020 17:16:29 +0000

As you may have now heard, Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens has finalized plans for an “ACA Virtual Commitment Weekend.” This is being conducted across the Diocese to help generate funds for the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal. The material that has been prepared may be customized for your parish. We request that all parishes proceed as follows:

1. Starting Today – Feature the ACA webpage link on your parish website.

ACA website which includes information, giving link, and video:

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Rev. Jean Yvon Pierre on the Reopening of St. Jerome R.C. Church for Private Prayer, Starting June 1, 2020. Thu, 04 Jun 2020 08:05:17 +0000

[one_full last=”yes” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ animation_offset=”” class=”” id=””][/one_full]

The Upper Church and the Lower Church will be opened from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

This time will be for individual silent and private prayer; no group prayers at this time. No more than 10 people can be inside each Church at a time. Please help us by waiting patiently and quietly until you are called to come inside by a volunteer. All parishioners inside the Church must adhere to social distancing rules. All individuals must be at least 6 feet apart. Our goal is to keep you safe and healthy. So please help us.

Face mask must be worn at all time while inside the Church. Hand sanitizer will be available, but we highly recommend that you bring your own. If you are sick, if you feel sick, if you have a temperature, please stay home. You need to take good care of yourself at home. If you need us, please call the Rectory at 718-462-0223.

We know that you missed coming to worship in your St. Jerome, but please be mindful of your fellow parishioners waiting outside to come in. Please note that at this time we will have to limit the amount of time that you can spend inside the Church. We are trying to provide as many people as possible the opportunity to come in inside the Church and pray.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. We appreciate your support in making this work. We are all in this together. We will figure it out. Click on the link below for message in English, Creole and Spanish –

[youtube id=”cT8C2YpGYiI” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””][/youtube]

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Creation at the Crossroads Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:57:03 +0000

Creation at the Crossroads: 

Young Adult Faith Sharing on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’

Our Earth is in peril.  With Pope Francis’ groundbreaking encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’ as our guide, we will support and inspire each other to take action on behalf of our common home during this faith-sharing series.


Join RENEW International Young Adult Leaders in a six-week faith-sharing series on Creation at the Crossroads, a small-group resource breaking open Laudato Si

Sessions will be weekly, starting on Earth Day, April 22 at 8 PM ET (7 PM CT, 6 PM PT).


Sessions will take place on:

April 22, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM PT
April 29, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM PT

May 6,  8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM PT

May 13, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM PT
May 20, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM PT
May 27, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM PT


Click HERE  to register.

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Annual Catholic Appeal 2020 Mon, 13 Apr 2020 17:18:00 +0000

The 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal is underway. We ask all parishioners to contribute towards the Catholic Appeal. Your donation supports the many needs of our Diocese.

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Remember to shop through Sat, 07 May 2016 17:16:40 +0000
St Jerome’s receives a donation every time you shop!

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