Schedule of Masses
Saturday Evening 5:30 PM Lower Church: English
Sunday 7:30 AM Lower Church: Creole
10:00 AM Upper Church: English
11:00 AM Lower Church: Spanish
1:00 PM Upper Church: Creole/French
7:30 AM Monday-Friday: English
9:00 AM Monday-Friday: Creole
8:00 AM Saturday: English
9:00 AM Saturday: Creole
Baptism registration takes place on Mondays and Fridays from 10:30 AM
to 11:30 AM in the rectory office.
Saturday, Samedi, Sabado 4:00 PM-4:45 PM in the Lower
Church and by appointment.
Marriage Matrimonio Mariage
Call 6 months in advance-Llame 6 meses antes de la fecha
Appelez 6 mois à l’avance.
Eucharistic Adoration every Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass with
benediction at Noon.
Adoracion Eucaristica el tercer Viernes de cada mes a las 7:00 PM